Using Visual basic 6 Special Edition

Description :

        This is an exciting time; there never has been a better time for Visual Basic programmers. While Visual Basic has always made it easy to develop Windows programs, through the years it has matured into a true professional development language and environment. You still can quickly create Windows programs with Visual Basic, but now you also can write enterpriseleve client/server programs and robust database applications.
In fact, the newest version contains several enhancements that greatly increase the power and flexibility that programmers have to write database-enabled applications. While this is enough to get you hyped up about programming in Visual Basic, there’s even more available in Visual Basic version 6. Although this book presents a lot of material on advanced Visual Basic programming, you can’t just jump into these topics and expect to understand them. You need a good foundation from which to work.

Database Programming Techniques
Database programs make up a large percentage of all programs in use in the business world today. These programs range in complexity from simple programs for managing mailing lists to complex programs handling reservations and billing for major corporations. Part VI, “Visual Basic and Databases,” takes you through the process of building database applications to meet a variety of needs.

Source Code and Programs Used in This Book
All the source code from the listings and programs included in this book is available via download from the Que—Macmillan Computer Publishing Web site. You can download the listings code to save typing time and errors as you follow examples in the book. You also can obtain all the programs built in the book and additional sample programs we’ve included. 
To access this material, follow these steps:
1. Point your browser to the following URL:
2. Enter the book’s ISBN as directed: 0-7897-1542-2
3. Follow the instructions to access and download the specific code or program you are looking for.

Conventions and Special Elements
Used in This Book

This book includes various conventions and special elements to highlight specific things and make using the book easier. Familiarize yourself with these conventions and elements, and allow them to enhance your reading experience.