One of the first questions you will have to answer when you say you have your own robot is, “What does it do?” If your answer (as mine) is, “It rolls around by remote control and serves drinks” disappoints the questioner, don’t be offended. It simply means that the person asking the question knows little about the real world of robotics, the science of robots. Before you can attempt to explain your answer to the uninformed asker, you must know a little about the subject of robots. Ask yourself, “What is a robot?” The word robot comes from the Czech word Robota, which means obligatory work or servitude. The word robot was first used in a Czech play called R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) by Karl Capek. Written in 1921, the play depicts a race of humanoid robots that turn on their masters and destroy them, a theme that seems always to be associated with robots. The exact meaning of the term robot, even in today’s technological age, is a matter of debate. Man’s technical prowess makes the exact meaning elusive: manlike mechanical device; person working mechanically, without original thought; machine or device that works automatically. These definitions seem rather broad and could encompass any number of modern devices from a dishwasher to a timer-controlled video cassette recorder, without conjuring up the popular Star Wars notion of robots.
This book lays the groundwork to construct one such home show both, Questor was designed to look like and function like a butler. There is a drink dispenser built into his arm and a vacuum port in his mobile platform. I felt these two functions are what most people expect a robot servant to do. The arms, which help promote Questor’s humanoid shape, are nonfunctional; they serve only to hold the serving tray. The hands are made of two auto drink holders. A button located on the wrist (the area above where the hands are bolted on) controls the drink dispenser. His head is a lamp, and there are two headlights on the front of the mobile platform. These lights not only help the operator guide the showbot at night, but they are very useful during power blackouts. There is also a 12-volt direct current (dc) cigarette lighter plug on the side of the base. This is used to run battery- powered appliances such as portable radios or TVs off the robot’s batteries.

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