Intelligent Infrared Image Interpretation for Navigation Mobile Robot (William & Mark)

 "Mobile Robot Navigation covers a large spectrum of different systems. requirements and solution"

Desicription :
          Introduction to present the design and implementation of a physics-based pattern classification model to characterize non-heat generating outdoor objects in thermal scenes for autonomous robots.The classification of indoor objects and heat generating objects is a solved problem.  However, a missing and essential piece in the literature is research involving the automatic characterization of non-heat generating objects in outdoor environments using a thermal infrared imaging modality for mobile robotic systems. Fuzzy systems are nonliniear systems which can exhibit multiple equilibria, periodic orbits and chaotic attractors.
Such phenomena can be analyzed by means of the qualitative theory of nonlinear systems. Nonlinear systems can display not only complex dynamical behaviors, what is more, after (even small) changes in parameters or in their system structure, it is possible to observe qualitative changes in their beahvior modes, see for instance.

 This system consists of the hardware and software that is used to acquire the image data.