"Microcontrollers are used in automatically controlled products and devices, such as automobile engine control systems, implantable medical devices, remote controls, office machines, appliances, power tools, and toys".
Microcontrollers are traditionally programmed in assembly language, each type having its own syntax, which translates directly into machine code. Some students, teachers, and hobbyists may wish to skip a detailed study of assembler coding and go straight to C, which is generally simpler and more powerful. The computer or digital controller has three main elements: input and output devices, which communicate with the outside world; a processor, to make calculations and handle data operations; and memory, to store programs and data.the features of the MCU used in any particular circuit must be as closely matched as possible to the actual needs of the application.
Microcontrollers usually contain from several to dozens of general purpose input/output pins (GPIO). GPIO pins are software configurable to either an input or an output state. When GPIO pins are configured to an input state, they are often used to read sensors or external signals. Configured to the output state, GPIO pins can drive external devices such as LEDs or motors.Microcontrollers typically do not have a math coprocessor, so floating point arithmetic is performed by software.
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