"Mobile robots are fascinating, intriguing, and challenging. Starting as simply as possible will go a long way towards the successful completion of your very own mobile robot that does real work."
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The information you’ve just read in this book is intended for those interested in the mehanical aspects of mobile robots. There are, of course, many details and varieties of the mobile layouts, manipulators, and sensors that are not covered—there are simply too many. It is my sincere hope that the information that is presented will provide a starting point from which to design your unique mobile robot. Some concept modeling equipment, also called 3D or office printers, are self-contained desktop or benchtop manufacturing units small enough and inexpensive enough to permit prototype fabrication to be done in an office
environment. These units include provision for the containment or venting of any smoke or noxious chemical vapors that will be released during the model’s fabrication.The four processes that make use of lasers are Directed-Light Fabrication (DLF), aminated-Object Manufacturing (LOM), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), and Stereolithography (SL); the five processes that do not require lasers are Ballistic Particle Manufacturing (BPM), Direct-Shell Production Casting (DSPC), Fused-Deposition Modeling (FDM), Solid-Ground Curing (SGC), and 3D Printing (3DP).
Robots are slowly coming into common use in the home and one tough requirement in the otherwise benign indoor environment is climbing stairs. It is just plain difficult to climb stairs with any rolling drive system, even one with tracks. Tracks simplify the problem somewhat and can climb stairs more smoothly than wheeled drivetrains, allowing higher speeds, but they have difficulty staying aligned with the stairs.
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