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Analog and Digital Circuit for Electronic Control System Applications

Description :
        Analog system designers many times in the past avoided the use of electronics for their system functions because electronic circuits could not provide the dynamic range of the signal without severe nonlinearity, or because the circuits drifted or became unstable with temperature, or because the computations using analog signals were quite inaccurate. As a result, the design shifted to other disciplines, for example, mechanical. Today, young engineers requested by their superiors to design an analog control system, have an entirely new technique available to them to help them design the system and overcome the “old” problems.

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Download Robot Manipulator modelling, performance analysis and control

Description :
         A systematic and automatic modeling of robots requires an appropriate method for the description of their morphology. Several methods and notations have been proposed. The most widely used one is that of Denavit-Hartenberg . However, this method, developed for simple open structures, presents ambiguities when it is applied to closed or tree-structured robots. Hence, we recommend the notation of Khalil and Kleinfinger which enables the unified description of complex and serial structures of articulated mechanical systems Link C0 indicates the robot base and link Cn, the link carrying the end-effector. Joint j connects link Cj to link Cj-1.

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Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control

Description :
        A decoupled approach to trajectory generation based on a cubic spline geometry formulation is introduced. The distinct consideration of boundary conditions yields a continuously differentiable trajectory definition such that path tracking errors are minimized during flight. A curvature-based, dimensionless space-filling curve allows to determine a suitable velocity profile along the path for hover-capable vehicles. Tracking of the trajectory is enabled by a conversion between the spline parameters and the arc length of the spline. In the past years, this approach in combination with a suitable trajectory tracking control has been successfully flight tested with an unmanned helicopter.

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Build Your Robots Androids and Animatrons

Description :
         Robot are indispensable in many manufacturing industries. the reason is that the cost per hour to operate a robot is a fraction of the cost of the human labor needed to perform the same function. more than this, once programmed, robots repeatedly perform functions with a high accuracy that supasses that of the most experimenced human operator. human operators are, however, far more versatile. humans can swicth job tasks easily. robots are built and programmed to be job specific.

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Robot Behaviour Design, Description, Analysis and Modelling

Description :
       Since the publication of Scientific Methods in Mobile Robotics in 2006, we have gained substantially in our understanding of the factors that govern the interaction of a robot with its environment; we have extended our methods of modelling robot behaviour accurately and transparently; and we have applied these methods to a wide range of real-world robotic applications. Many aspects of Scientific Methods and the material presented in this book have become part of regular teaching and research practice in robotics laboratories worldwide. Undergraduate and postgraduate courses on experimental design and procedure in robotics, precise, quantitative description and analysis of behaviour, computer modelling of robot behaviour, and analysis.

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Technology and Robot Brains

Robot Brains: Circuits and Systems for Conscious MachinesDescription :
          This book considers the engineering aspects of nonnumeric cognitive and potentially conscious machines and should be of interest to anyone who wishes to consider the actual realization of these machines and robots. The principles are presented with the aim of producing dedicated circuits and systems, but obviously everything can be simulated; those who prefer programmed simulations should find it rather easy to implement these principles in the way of computer programs.Artificial intelligence (AI) has brought chess-playing computer programs that can beat grand masters and other ‘intelligent’ programs that can execute given specific tasks.

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robotic A Reference Guide to the New Technology

Description :
         Human beings have always been fascinated with the concept of artificial life and the construction of machines that look and behave like people. The legend of Pygmalion and the medieval legend of the Golem are examples. Nowhere is the concept of making a living thing out of spare parts more dramatic and exciting than in Mary Shelley’s famous story Dr. Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus (1818). This story has been told and retold in various motion pictures and television shows throughout the twentieth century. Today, whenever people take the time to discuss and extrapolate the evolution of smart machines, their conversations usually include the possible rise of self-aware, intelligent robots that threaten to destroy their human masters.

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Build Remote Controlled Robot

Description :
One of the first questions you will have to answer when you say you have your own robot is, “What does it do?” If your answer (as mine) is, “It rolls around by remote control and serves drinks” disappoints the questioner, don’t be offended. It simply means that the person asking the question knows little about the real world of robotics, the science of robots. Before you can attempt to explain your answer to the uninformed asker, you must know a little about the subject of robots. Ask yourself, “What is a robot?” The word robot comes from the Czech word Robota, which means obligatory work or servitude. The word robot was first used in a Czech play called R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) by Karl Capek. Written in 1921, the play depicts a race of humanoid robots that turn on their masters and destroy them,

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Build and Design Your Own Robot at Robot Builder's CookBook

Description :
         This is a book of practical robotics written for beginners but also catering for those who have progressed a little further beyond that stage. It describes the mechanics of robot construction, how to build the electronic circuits, and finally goes into the details of programming robotic systems. The first half of the book is a cookbook of information, ideas, tips, and suggestions for the first-time roboticists and others. Much of the content will be of interest and practical use to students in Further and Higher Education who are working on a micro-controller based project (though not necessarily a robotic one). The second half of the book describes the designing, building and programming of five robots of varying degrees of complexity.

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Robot Manipulator Control Theory and Practice second edition

Description :
         Many textbooks have been written on control engineering, describing new techniques for controlling systems, or new and better ways of mathematically formulating existing methods to solve the ever-increasing complex problems faced by practicing engineers. However, few of these books fully address the applications aspects of control engineering. It is the intention of this new series to redress this situation. This series presents books that draw on expertise from both the academic world and the applications domains, and will be useful not only as academically recommended course texts but also as handbooks for practitioners in many applications domains.

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Free Download CorelDraw12 Portable

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Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing on Fuzzy Logic

Description :
          In order to properly characterize the content of this book, it is important toclarify first the intended meaning of its title Fuzzy Logic. This clarification is needed since the term “fuzzy logic,” as currently used in the literature, is viewed either in a narrow sense or in a broad sense. In the narrow sense, fuzzy logic is viewed as an area devoted to the formal development, in a unified way, of the various logical systems of many-valued logic. It is concerned with formalizing syntactic aspects (based on the notion of proof) and semantic aspects (based on the notion of truth) of the various logical calculi. In order to be acceptable, each of these logical calculi must be sound (provability implies truth) and complete

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Engineering Of Software The Continuing Contributions of Leon J.Osterweil

Description :
         Software engineering research can trace its roots to a small number of highly influential individuals. Among that select group is Prof. Leon J. Osterweil, whose work has fundamentally defined or impacted major directions in software analysis, development tools and environments, and software process. His exceptional and sustained contributions to the field have been recognized with numerous awards and honors throughout his career. Software pervades our lives today, powering everything from PlayStations® to the Space Station. Entire governments and economies run on software. Businesses differentiate themselves by the quality of their software services. Students learn using software.

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Free download Visual Basic 6.0 Portable

Easy for download and using this software Visual basic 6.0


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Using Visual basic 6 Special Edition

Description :

        This is an exciting time; there never has been a better time for Visual Basic programmers. While Visual Basic has always made it easy to develop Windows programs, through the years it has matured into a true professional development language and environment. You still can quickly create Windows programs with Visual Basic, but now you also can write enterpriseleve client/server programs and robust database applications.

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Science and Technology in Kazakshtan

Description :
        The effectiveness of the education system, particularly the higher education institutions, will be a critical determinant of the future of Kazakhstan. The country is fortunate in having a highly literate population that appreciates the value of education and is eager to build on the country’s advanced-technology achievements in the nuclear and space fields. Sound policies are important. Appropriate mechanisms for integrating education, research, and commercial activities are needed. The growth in national income can provide much-needed resources. But only with competent and committed scientists, engineers, and health care professionals operating

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Robot Motion Planning and Control requires interdisciplinarity

Description : 

          The research in robot motion planning can be traced back to the late 60's, during the early stages of the development of computer-controlled robots. Nevertheless, most of the effort is more recent and has been conducted during the 80's (Robot Motion Planning, J.C. Latombe's book constitutes the reference in
the domain). The position (configuration) of a robot is normally described by a number of variables. For mobile robots these typically are the position and orientation of the robot (i.e. 3 variables in the plane). For articulated robots (robot arms) these variables are the positions of the different joints of the robot arm. A motion for

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Coming Robot Evolution Human Like Robots

Description :
          Emulating the human appearance, abilities, and intelligence is the ultimate goal of efforts to reproduce human beings in art and technology. Producing humanlike robots is part of the broader effort to develop biologically inspired technologies – also known as biomimetics. Making humanlike robots involves engineering machines that copy human appearance and imitate our behavior as biological systems. Humanlike robots, which were once considered science fiction, are today walking into our lives, thanks to recent advances in technology. Tools such as finite element modeling, computer simulations, speech recognition, rapid image processing, graphic displays, and animated simulations,

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Innovation and Management of Technology in Japan

Description :
            For both manufacturing and service sectors, key success factors for firms to grow are implementing innovations and acquiring the returns from the innovations. The innovator’s capability of getting the returns from his innovations is called “appropriability of innovations.” The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issue of appropriability of innovations by examining the specific example of Canon Corporation of Japan. When any innovation is successfully implemented, spillovers from the innovation are inevitable in most cases, and invite free riders. In other words, an innovator alone cannot monopolize the returns from his/her innovation. Thus, it is important to minimize the spillover, which ultimately

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New Technogy-Based Firm In The New Millenium

 Description :
            These short descriptions about Italian industrial districts suggest that internal and external divisions of labour that firms implement in their social networks have a great influence on the entrepreneurial activity of the entire district. Therefore, they confirm the premise of this study and provide an answer to the question that this study attempts to address: what does make one social network entrepreneurial? Such an empirical verification also fits within the new theoretical frameworks proposed in the study (the “4S” and the “dividing” models). Although the present analysis was indepth,

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Naval Hydromechanics Science and Technology

 "Hydromechanical performance is fundamental to the basic fighting capability of surface ships and submarines in terms of speed, stealth, seakeeping, endurance, maneuverability, and human performance"

Description :
         the Office of Naval Research (ONR) has promoted the world leadership of the United States in naval hydromechanics by sponsoring a research program focused on long-term S&T problems of interest to the Department of the Navy, by maintaining a pipeline of new scientists and engineers, and by developing products that ensure naval superiority. At the request of ONR, the National Research Council, under the auspices of the Naval Studies Board, conducted an assessment of S&T research in the area of naval hydromechanics. The Committee for Naval Hydromechanics Science and Technology was appointed to carry out the following tasks during this study: assess the Navy’s research effort in the area of hydromechanics,

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Autonomous Flying Robot Paper For Beginner (Multicopter Aerial Vehicle)

"Based on their working environment, a rough classification of the autonomous vehicles would include unmanned aerial vehicles"

Description :
           UAVs have many applications in emergency situations; humans often cannot come close to a dangerous natural disaster such as an earthquake, a flood, an active volcano, or a nuclear disaster. Since the development of the first UAVs, research efforts have been focused on military applications. For industrial applications, a power-line monitoring helicopter called SKY SURVEYOR has been developed. A rough division of the system configuration of SKY SURVEYOR consists of a ground station and an autonomous UAV.The book is suitable for graduate students whose research interests are in the area of UAVs and MAVs, and for scientists and engineers.

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Mechanical Device on Ilustrated and Robot Mechanic

"Mobile robots are fascinating, intriguing, and challenging. Starting as simply as possible will go a long way towards the successful completion of your very own mobile robot that does real work."

Description :

          The information you’ve just read in this book is intended for those interested in the mehanical aspects of mobile robots. There are, of course, many details and varieties of the mobile layouts, manipulators, and sensors that are not covered—there are simply too many. It is my sincere hope that the information that is presented will provide a starting point from which to design your unique mobile robot. Some concept modeling equipment, also called 3D or office printers, are self-contained desktop or benchtop manufacturing units small enough and inexpensive enough to permit prototype fabrication to be done in an office

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Analysis and Algorithms Of Robot and Multybody Dinamics

"Robotics, and its need for real-time control, has expanded research in multibody dynamics beyond modeling and systematic formulations, to computational and control issues"

Description :
           the SOA also provides themeans to manipulate at a high level of abstraction the equations describingmultibody behavior. The significance of this goes beyond the mathematics and is useful in a practical sense. At any stage of the manipulation of equations, spatially recursive algorithms to implement the operator expressions can be readily obtained by inspection. On this book's develops kinematics models for serial-chain rigid multibody systems. Although serial-chains are perhaps the simplest examples of multibody systems, many of the concepts and techniques developed for these systems apply, with only modest extensions, to general multibody systems.

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Robotic Manipulators : Modeling, Design, Control and Aplications

"state of art of advanced studies in design, modeling, control and applications of flexible manipulators, from the leading experts in this important research area".

Description :
            Flexible robotic manipulators pose various challenges in research as compared to rigid robotic manipulators, ranging from system design, structural optimization, and construction to modeling, sensing, and control. Although significant progress has been made in many aspects over the last one-and-a-half decades, many issues are not resolved yet, and simple, effective, and reliable controls of flexible manipulators still remain an open quest.A common way of modeling flexible robot manipulators is using the socalled combined Lagrange-assumed modes approach [Book (1984); De Luca and Siciliano (1991); Yuan et al. (1993); Canudas de Wit et al. (1996); Arteaga (1998)].

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Interactive Hardware Simulation with Programming 8 BIT-PIC MICROCONTROLLER

"Microcontrollers are used in automatically controlled products and devices, such as automobile engine control systems, implantable medical devices, remote controls, office machines, appliances, power tools, and toys".

            Microcontrollers are traditionally programmed in assembly language, each type having its own syntax, which translates directly into machine code. Some students, teachers, and hobbyists may wish to skip a detailed study of assembler coding and go straight to C, which is generally simpler and more powerful. The computer or digital controller has three main elements: input and output devices, which communicate with the outside world; a processor, to make calculations and handle data operations; and memory, to store programs and data.the features of the MCU used in any particular circuit must be as closely matched as possible to the actual needs of the application.

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Principles and Applications in Cleanroom Automotion Electronics Manufacturing

"This book is the perfect practical reference for engineers working with robotics for  electronics manufacturing in a range of industries that rely on cleanroom manufacturing".

                Understand the design, testing, and application of cleanroom robotics and automation with this practical guide. From the history and evolution of cleanroom robots to the latest applications and industry standards, this book provides the only complete overview of the topic available.
            Robotics for automating the most demanding clean room manufacturing process, the making of semiconductor devices, is used as an example throughout the book. The principles and applications also apply to related industries, including the flat panel display, solar panels, hard disk, nanotechnology, MEMS, and pharmaceutical industries.

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Intelligent Infrared Image Interpretation for Navigation Mobile Robot (William & Mark)

 "Mobile Robot Navigation covers a large spectrum of different systems. requirements and solution"

Desicription :
          Introduction to present the design and implementation of a physics-based pattern classification model to characterize non-heat generating outdoor objects in thermal scenes for autonomous robots.The classification of indoor objects and heat generating objects is a solved problem.  However, a missing and essential piece in the literature is research involving the automatic characterization of non-heat generating objects in outdoor environments using a thermal infrared imaging modality for mobile robotic systems. Fuzzy systems are nonliniear systems which can exhibit multiple equilibria, periodic orbits and chaotic attractors.

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PIC ROBOTICS A Beginner's Guide to Robotic Project With Programming Required)

Description : 
The expert system uses rules to guide the robot in task performance. Behaviorbased programs create an “artificial” behavior in the robot that causes it to reflectively (automatically) perform the task required. Behaviors may be programmed (software) or may be hardwired into the robot. Behaviorbased intelligence doesn’t require a central processor, although such a system may have one

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Free Download Nero Burning the next generation most trusted integrated digital

 Nero9.4.12.3 is a flexible, reliable, and easy to use application designed to write both data and CD audio to CD-R and CD-RW discs

Nero 9 [OLD VERSION]Nero 9 is the next generation of the world’s most trusted integrated digital media and home entertainment software suite. It features new cutting-edge functionality that makes enjoying digital media content simple. This easy-to-use yet powerful multimedia suite, gives you the freedom to create, rip, copy, burn, edit, share, and upload online. Whatever you want – music, video, photo, and data – enjoy and share with family and friends anytime, anywhere. With easy-to-use Nero Start Smart command center, your digital life has never been more flexible, feasible, and fun.  

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Useful Program To Make Photo Collage by Adding Your Photo

Free software Photoscape download

Feature :

  • Viewer: it lets you View photos in your folder, you can also create your slideshow.
  • It can be used for all your editing needs such as color adjustment, adding text, fames, other animations, brightness, contrasts, red eye removal, cropping etc.

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Mini Software Image Editing PHOTOSHINE

Useful program with classic templates and border to to make Photo Collage by adding your photo.
Main Features:

  •  Easy to use
    Just one click, you can add your photo into the template which you like.
  •  Totally 9 themes (styles), more than 700 beautiful templates included. The 9 themes are: GIRL,BABY,LOVE,BOARD, DREAM, MAGAZINE,CALENDAR,Frame and OTHER. There are totally more than 700 templates are included in PhotoShine, which means you have  more than 700 choices to make your photo more attactive.

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Autonom Mobile Robot Navigation

"autonomous mobile robot has ability to learn from its environment and able to navigate in initially unknown environment"

Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents) 
Description :
         Autonomous robots are robots that can perform desired tasks in unstructured environments without continuous human guidance. Many kinds of robots have some degree of autonomy. Different robots can be autonomous in different ways. A high degree of autonomy is particularly desirable in fields such as space exploration, cleaning floors, mowing lawns, and waste water treatment.The design of any successful robot involves the integration of many different disciplines, among them kinematics, signal analysis, information theory, artificial intelligence, and probability theory.

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Download Photoshop Portable 5 (Full Aplication)

 Adobe Photoshop is the software used for digital imaging especially for photographers, is this a software made ​​by Adobe Systems image editor which is devoted to editing photos / drawings and manufacturing effects. This software is widely used by digital photographers and advertising company that is considered as the market leader (market leader) to the image processing software, and, along with Adobe Acrobat, is regarded as the best product ever produced by Adobe Systems. Eighth version of this application is called by the name of Photoshop CS (Creative Suite), version called Photoshop CS2 nine, ten version called Adobe Photoshop CS3, versions of Adobe Photoshop CS4 is eleven, and the latest version is Adobe Photoshop CS5.

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materials science of Nanotechnology

"The principles of physics, as far as I can see, do not speak against the possibility of maneuvering things atom by atom."
Richard Feynman

         Nanotechnology is very diverse, ranging from extensions of conventional device physics to completely new approaches based upon molecular self-assembly, from developing new materials with dimensions on the nanoscale to investigating whether we can directly control matter on the atomic scale.
In the future, nanotechnology will let us take off the boxing gloves. We'll be able to snap together the fundamental building blocks of nature easily, inexpensively and in most of the ways permitted by the laws of physics. This will be essential if we are to continue the revolution in computer hardware beyond about the next decade, and will also let us fabricate an entire new generation of products that are cleaner,

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Exploiting Technology

In the “information economy,” we recognize the increasing availability of
information. On the one hand, we can be intimidated by the overwhelming
amount of information bearing down on us. On the other hand, we now have
tools to enable us to garner great value from that information quite readily.

Desciption :
         Tech Mining makes exploitation of text databases meaningful to those who can gain from derived knowledge about emerging technologies. It begins with the premise that we have the information, the tools to exploit it, and the need for the resulting knowledge. The information provided puts new capabilities at the hands of technology managers. Using the material present, these managers can identify and access the most valuable technology information resources (publications, patents, etc.); search, retrieve, and clean the information on topics of interest; and lower the costs and enhance the benefits of competitive technological intelligence operations.

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 "Research your own experiences for the truth, absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is specifically your own." – Jiddu Krishnamurti

Description :
           Are you making the best decisions to guarantee your success? Cheat Codes For Life is a cookbook for success in ALL areas of your life: wealth, health, relationships, work, and happiness. Robert Crayola clearly presents 35 key areas to direct your energy and gives you specific techniques and exercises to get you results NOW.
* Hundreds of principles that guarantee effortless success 
* Hints and Tricks to get your Money situation straightened out and working for you 
* How to identify the internal conflicts going on inside your head and reprogram yourself to always choose to do the activity that is most productive

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gordyn (Eclypse)


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